Sunday, December 16, 2012

Torus Vortex

The Torus Vortex is the primary pattern of our universe – spinning in the shape of a donut, the energy flows in one end, swirls counterclockwise around the oscillating field, and then flows out the other end. It is the only dynamic in nature that can sustain its own energy force! As Tesla discovered, the torus vortex is an untapped free energy source in our universe.

At the center of gravity in the torus vortex lies a zero point field or vacuum state. It is the still point of a standing wave of Singularity – the endless pulse of light in the collapse and expansion of creation. The Phi spiral exists in perfect balance and coherent order, creating perfect proportion in the torus vortex.

The human electromagnetic field is our own personal torus vortex. By using the Unified Field Vortex Meditation, we can apply the pyramid’s sacred geometry of Metatron to create an energy conductor in our Core Center. I’ve embedded holograms of sacred geometry in the vortex template of our grounding platform to bend space, ignite the vacuum state of zero point, swirl the torus in the frequency of Phi, and open the crown chakra portal to all 12 dimensions of our universe.

Evolutionist and Vortex Bio-Energetic Healer, Meg Benedicte discovered early on that she had a unique gift for seeing subtle energies and could identify the vigorous traumatic patterns that relate to dysfunction and ill health. Over the years, she has become a notable pioneer in Bio-Energetic Healing, first through her own transformation and eventually working with clients spanning the globe. Through her extensive research, Meg has created an original and powerful healing approach utilizing Vortex energy, sacred geometry and Zero Point Harmonics, the distinctive proprietary process known as Unified Field Therapy®.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Amma The Divine Mother and the Sword of Archangel Michael

"Shortly before Amma began teaching about encodements, she showed us how to connect with the pillar of light as well as how to use the sword of Michael the Archangel. "

"When she speaks of the pillar of light, this is what others may call the pranic tube. A healthy pranic tube comes in through your crown, down your spine and into the center of the earth."

"The Pillar of Light is, in essence, the energy of Source.

In her first messages, the Pillar of Light was about 18 inches in front of us. In various readings she gave suggestions on how to use the Pillar of Light energy which, for many people on the spiritual path, is now surrounding them."

“You have what is called the pillar of light which goes through the crown of your head, down the spine and into the earth. It begins at the source of God. ...

Feel that right now. It goes through your crown, down your spine and down into the center of the earth. ...

Now imagine yourself breathing in and out of your heart. You are now centered and you are grounded. This is the first way to practice living your life, centered and grounded.

... This Pillar of Light begins at the Source of God and goes to the center of the universe. ... It is multi-dimensional. ...

 After you have practiced being centered and grounded, practice being connected to the Pillar of Light ... Notice that first you center and ground, and then you connect to the Pillar of Light ...

By being connected to this Pillar of Light ..., you are in the Now.

You are not in the past and you are not in the future. You are in the Now. It is in the Now, and only in the Now, that you can do the work you are here for.

The Pillar of Light ...has a marvelous ability to transmute negativity into love. ...

This next tool is the sword of Michael, Mich-a-el. In any picture you see of Mich-a-el, he has a sword in his hand. It is always unsheathed. It is now time for you, too, to have that sword. Place your dominant hand palm up. He will put the sword in your hand. Feel the hilt of it in your hand. Feel the weight of it, the power of it.

Now bring it before your heart, point up. ...

Activate your heart. Focus on your heart and ask it to expand. Bring more light and energy into your heart. Feel how the sword itself is activated. This sword is protection and it is a weapon of love. It cannot be used to harm. It cannot be used in any way except love....

Now see yourself in the etheric holding Michael’s sword in your dominant hand. ... Feel the blaze of Light and energy coming from the sword and surrounding you."

Sunday, November 11, 2012

embracing change

"As we investigate and question our (perhaps cherished) beliefs, ideals and tendency to denial, Mercury plunges back into Scorpio, encouraging you to find a new depth of honesty with yourself about the issues and topics that are the most challenging to contemplate and that often seem impossible to talk about.

That is the next step, as Mercury explores the sensitive last degrees of Scorpio, encouraging us to take that inner honesty out into the world and use it as a means to make contact with others, embracing change, contact and depth. In the search for meaning, this counts for getting real."

Meg Benedicte 11:11 Global Meditation

"11:11 is a sacred symbol that represents an opening to greater spiritual awareness, shifting up into higher, enlightened consciousness.
The symbol embodies the inter-dimensional seam between dimensions, where we can bridge across into another reality - just as sliding doors in timespace.

On November 11th all of humanity will have an opportunity to shift up into higher dimensional realms of a sense, being presented with a new door that will lead us home to our Soul's wisdom and truth. "

Listen to internet radio with Meg Benedicte on Blog Talk Radio

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Activating 12 Rays of the Sun

"Activate or reactivate the 7 visible rays of the sun and the other 5 higher dimensional rays of the sun. The rays will be anchored in your chakras and your energy field. These 12 rays will also be anchored on your hands, fingers and palms.

As a result, you will be able to project and radiate these rays to your daily issues, work with your clients, use them for healing, cleanse and energize your food, increase your vibration, expand your consciousness, increase vibration of any object, harmonize and energize your goals to speed up your manifestation process and more.

Ray 1: Anchored in the root chakra and stands for will and power. Learn to use this ray to accomplish your goals and create structures.

Ray 2: Anchored in the sacral chakra and stands for love and service. Heal your relationships and create unconditional love with this ray.

Ray 3: Anchored in the solar plexus chakra and stands for creativity and genius. Use this ray for creative ideas, generate new options and connect with your genius.

Ray 4: Anchored in the heart chakra and stands for harmony and healing. Use this ray for healing self and others, open your heart to possibilities.

Ray 5: Anchored in the throat chakra and stands for knowledge and science. Use this ray for creative solutions with wisdom.

Ray 6: Anchored in the third eye chakra and stands for devotion and spiritual alignment. Use this ray to open your inner vision of truth and receive information.

Ray 7: Anchored in the crown chakra and stands for divine order and manifestation. Open up your flow of abundance and increase your speed of manifestation with this ray.

Ray 8: This ray is for deep cleansing, primarily for physical body and physical objects. It absorbs physical discomfort and increases vibration.

Ray 9: Use this ray to breakdown and release emotional patterns of discomfort, pain and disharmony.

Ray 10: This ray is great for breaking down discomforting mental patterns and helps to create mental harmony.

Ray 11: This ray helps to eliminate spiritual illusion, starts to cleanse our consciousness from embedded fear, activates our 3rd eye and helps to develop intuition.

Ray 12: This is a golden ray of magnified manifestation. It also helps us to release judgment, injustice and any wrong-doing stored in your memory and your personal field. This is a frequency of rejuvenation, rebirth and vitality."

Mashur Anam

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Alchemy : The Science Of Enlightenment

"Although this sacred science of the soul is known by different names, it is both known and misunderstood primarily by the name of "alchemy".

Alchemy, due to its inherent power, has always been a highly guarded secret science in order to protect the student from harm and to protect the sacred from misuse by the profane. During the middle ages, it was additionally hidden to protect one from persecution by orthodox religion. The hidden aspect of alchemy has contributed to the lack of definition and confusion. Alchemy continues to be shrouded in mystery, controversy, and speculation.

The Arabian's construct of the term that has remained in the English language. The Arabians originally acquired the science from Egypt. Before Egypt was invaded and re-named by the Romans, Egypt was originally known by its people as Khemit or the Land of Khem. They are also said to be the descendants from Atlantis before the great flood.

The term Khem refers to the black fertile land from which the life giving crops grow. Esoterically, Khem refers to the dark mystery of the primordial first matter from which creation manifests and the science of transformation which is alchemy. The first matter is also equated with consciousness. Alchemy, is said to be the Great Work of nature that perfects matter, whether it is expressed as the cosmos or our soul. The term Chemistry has its root in Khem. The science of modern Chemistry evolved from the Alchemists in Europe. Alchemy was brought to Europe by the Moors in Spain originating from the Arabians. The Arabians added the prefix Al referring to Allah or God.

Therefore, alchemy can be defined as the Science of God Realization."

Alchemy : The Science Of Enlightenment

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Aloha e ka la, e ka la!
E ola mai e ka la,
i ka honua nei."

Greetings to the sun, to life, and to the earth.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oracle Report ~ Monday July 9 2012 ~ Turning Point of Energy

Oracle Report ~ Monday July 9 2012

"To do this, today we need to need to begin a daily “ritual” of taking a small amount of time to stop and store energy.

This sounds strange, but it is really just slowing your world down, consciously connecting with the Sun, and then grounding with the Earth.

The energy of July 17th will shift consciousness.

We want to create space inside ourselves to receive this.

So between now and then practice opening up a place inside yourself for this to land. While doing this, always feel yourself physically anchored to the Earth.

The turning point energy is going to blow out peoples’ consciousness.

We will be prepared to anchor the shift within ourselves which will in turn help the collective."

Shift Frequency ~ Meg Benedicte ~ Hinge Point ~ Venus Returns!

Meg Benedicte ~ Hinge Point – Venus Returns! (Thanks, Caro)

Shift Frequency

"I would like to extend my gratitude to all who participated in the powerful Global Intention Meditation during the Solar Eclipse on May 20, 2012.
We joined together and formed a ‘group heart’ all around the planet to uplift Humanity into the ascending Gaia! It was such a special day…we are still feeling the effects of the global intentions reverberating through the collective field.
In June: "The Venus transit, Stargate 12 and the importance of taking this time to really focus on clearing past emotional energy that’s keeping us from moving forward on our new timeline."

Friday, June 15, 2012

EarthKeeper is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.

"Remember, too, that your environment is alive and reacts to your awareness of it; therefore, the way you perceive the Earth and your physical form affects the information you receive.

... Earth Keeper, the keeper of the garden, the shaman/healer who, through reverence for all life, heals and sanctifies the Earth. Earth keepers preserve the harmonic relationship with nature by connecting to the wisdom held in matter. In Latin, mater means "mother".

As you bring light into yourself, you bring light into matter. You and the Earth both contain the holographic seed of the new consciousness emerging."

The Mayan Oracle - Return Path to the Stars" by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Heart of Everything

Lydia Netzer: 15 Ways to Stay Married for 15 Years
#14 Loyalty
"All the crap you read in magazines about honesty, sense of humor, communication, sensitivity, date nights, couples weekends, blah blah blah can be trumped by one word: loyalty.

You and your spouse are a team of two.

It is you against the world. No one else is allowed on the team, and no one else will ever understand the team’s rules. This is okay.

The team is not adversarial, the team does not tear its members down, the team does not sabotage the team’s success.

Teammates work constantly to help and better their teammates.

Loyalty means you put the other person in your marriage first all the time, and you let them put you first.

Loyalty means subverting your whims or desires of the moment to better meet your spouse’s whims or desires, with the full understanding and expectation that they will be doing the same.

This is the heart of everything, and it is a tricky balance.

Sometimes it sways one way and some the other. Sometimes he gets to be crazy, sometimes it’s your turn. Sometimes she’s in the spotlight, sometimes you.

Ups and downs, ultimately, don’t matter because the team endures."

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Road to Q'eros messages from the Andes

"The Story of the change in Time.. the New Pachakuti..

The people of the Andes call the new pachakuti.. the new age..a time of light.

The time to find yourself..... the time of light. as told to us by Don Lorenzo.

During the Hakaypacha, the Incas were wise. When it finished, it passed through the worlds, they knew. First, a ceremony was performed. They did a ceremony, a ceremony for pachamama, for the Apus (mountain gods), they invited them. The Apus said, this is the time of the night. You must be very careful at night. . After the night passes, if you have enough faith, if you remember who you are, two or three Intis will appear, suns.

In this time that has just passed we have been in a time of darkness with only one sun.. this one sun is too hot for life.. we must also have the inner sun that is inside us and the outer sun.. the cosmic sun. but in the time of darkness many had forgotten this and lost faith.

But Some of the people celebrated and had a lot of faith in Pachamama, a lot of faith in Tayta Inti, a lot of faith in the Apus, a lot of faith in the waters and lakes…some have a lot of heart, a lot of faith and they respect a lot…those will be saved.

Those who were saved knew the ceremonies. Then, there was only one sun left, Tayta Inti. It was then that people started doing a lot of ceremonies for Tayta inti, for Mamacocha, for Pachamama, for the Apus. And then they were saved and the three suns stayed… always.. This is the Taripay Pacha, the return of the three suns.

This is very important! That is why the ancestors knew all of this…we are of Incan blood…Q’eros, we are all Incas.

Julie- and now, us, we are not of Incan blood!...does it matter?

Lorenzo- it doesnt matter!

Julie- its important for us to do the ceremonies as well...

Lorenzo - always…it is very important now, together, we perform [ceremonies]. Now you are like Incas!!! You respect better pachamama, the apus, the suns, the underworld,

Paytiti, you respect everything, don’t you? You are like Incas then! Of course! Now you are like family!!! Yes, like family.

This is important for all the world to remember and respect all the suns.. the sun inside us. The sun in the sky and the Father sun in the outer world. Without these three suns we cannot move into The New Pachakuti. It is for all people to remember so that we can live very well . We have to hurry and remember.. there is not much time.

Grandfather, today, let me learn values from Mother Earth.
"Now, please, let us receive, let us respect the Apus and Pachamama with an open heart and faith. Because before, in the past a lot of blessings were given to the apus, to pachamama, to all of you and us equally…to give us strength." ~Don Lorenzo

Don Martin Q'isepe is Lorenzo's father and teacher. He is an Alto Mesayoq, or high priest. The Alto Mesayoq is in direct communication with the living energy of the cosmos that we are part of and in direct exchange with always..especially the Apus, the mountain spirits. The Alto Mesayoq can push the energy of the kawasay pacha, the world of living energy consisting of refined energy and heavy energy, for the good of all people..

The Road to Q'eros messages from the Andes

This is such a beautiful and important little movie..teachings of the tree people..
The Road to Q'eros messages from the Andes

Tuesday, March 27, 2012....Lorenzo on my mind, he said this to us...
There are some people here in Peru, in other countries, in USA, who don’t respect Pachamama, they don’t respect Father Sun, Tayta Inti, they don’t respect the Apus, the mountain spirits, they don’t respect the underworld and paytiti. This creates change,unbalance, in the world. If everyone were to respect, we would all live well, well, well.

Now, you are all my family, brothers and sisters…

yes…a lot of heart… Now you have INCAN BLOOD!

we have all come from far away and now we are together.. this is how we move forward we are different and the same.

~Don Lorenzo, a q'ero priest

Munay, L'lankay, Yachay, love service and wisdom. "

By: The Road to Q'eros messages from the Andes..

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ask for a miracle!

“Today I ask for a miracle allowing financial stability and abundance to flow into my life without any effort”

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Anaïs Nin, A Deeper Instinct

I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman. ~Anaïs Nin

Friday, February 24, 2012

I Love the Power of the Mind with Marilyn Gordon

I Love the Power of the Mind with Marilyn Gordon:
If you want to have success in anything, focus on it, and if any thoughts of impossibility or imagined defeat come up – transform those thoughts in the moment. “I give thanks for my great success. I AM grateful.” What do you feel about this?

Monday, February 20, 2012

attracting reality and attracting circumstances

From a discussion on my Facebook page:
Anne Shuman Urban
"Re LOA [Law of Attraction] and unpleasant events... I was at a weekend workshop with Neale Donald Walsch. A woman there said her husband had been killed in a freak accident, and her friends kept asking her how she attracted that. NDW responded, "next time they ask that, punch 'em in the nose and ask how they attracted that."

He went on to distinguish between attracting reality and attracting circumstances. We each create our own reality based on perceptions; circumstances are co-created with many other human beings, all exercising their free will.

How we choose to view/experience it is self-created, but the circumstances are not. It seemed a good, solid distinction to make."

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our definition of healing is to enter with mercy and awareness that which we have held back from in judgment and fear and anger.
-Stephen Levine

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fidalgo Island 2012

Fidalgo Island where we went as kids.

 view from road to Fidalgo cabin

big rock down the beach

front of the cabin from the top of the path to the beach

south view to the point
Fidalgo is surrounded by tide flats. The tide went out so far you could not see it.
“I invite more loving and supportive people and relationships into my life!”

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Leonard Cohen - Come Healing Lyrics

Behold the gates of mercy
In arbitrary space
And none of us deserving
Of cruelty or the grace

O, gather up the brokenness
Bring it to me now
The fragrance of those promises
You never dared to vow

The splinters that you carried
The cross you left behind
Come healing of the body
Come healing of the mind

And let the heavens hear it
The penitential hymn
Come healing of the spirit
Come healing of the limb

O, solitude of longing
Where love has been confined
Come healing of the body
Come healing of the mind

O, see the darkness yielding
That tore the light apart
Come healing of the reason
Come healing of the heart

O, troubledness concealing
An undivided love
The heart beneath is teaching
To the broken heart above

And let the heavens falter
Let the earth proclaim
Come healing of the altar
Come healing of the name

O, longing of the branches
To lift the little bud
O, longing of the arteries
To purify the blood

And let the heavens hear it
The penitential hymn
Come healing of the spirit
Come healing of the limb

Monday, January 30, 2012


“A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind” Elly Roselle

Friday, January 27, 2012

~Irish Blessing

May brooks and trees and singing hills
Join in the chorus too,
And every gentle wind that blows
Send happiness to you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Anne Lamott

Age has given me what I was looking for my entire life – it gave me me. It provided the time and experience and failures and triumphs and friends who helped me step into the shape that had been waiting for me all my life… I not only get along with me most of the time now, I am militantly and maternally on my own side. ~ Anne Lamott

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Did you know that the Earth has a heartbeat?

 Yes! It is called the Schumann Cavity Resonance, the frequency of the Earth.
Earth's electrical resonance, the Schumann Resonance, is the result of the make up of Earth as a spherical resonator. This resonator is the result of the conductivity of Earth, the insulative properties of the lower atmosphere and a highly charged and conductive ionosphere. This combination creates a spherical capacitor as well as a resonator. Quite a large amount of electrical energy is stored in this capacitor.

Since its discovery up 'til 1986 the Earth's "heartbeat" was a constant 7.8 Hertz per second. Since then it raised dramatically up to 10 Hertz per second, up to 1998. After that, magnetic properties of the Earth have dramatically dropped and is expected to reach its zero point in 2012.

It is said that our brain waves have a frequency component that matches that of Earth base resonance. This frequency is strongest when we meditate. We seem to be somehow connected to Earth through her electrical field.

While earth's "pulse" rate is rising, her magnetic field strength, on the other hand, is declining.

The electrical current flow to the Earth, except through lightning, is a result of the highly ionized hydrogen particles spewed out from the sun. The positive charges, which are basically protons, have a relatively high mass as compared to the negatively charged electrons. These massive positive charges blast through the atmosphere and land on the Earth and can be considered an electrical current.

This ionospheric (sphere of ions) charge creates an electrical shield around the Earth. This shield then becomes the outer conductor of an electrical sphere (the Earth) within a sphere (the ionosphere). The atmosphere is a dielectric insulator, which separates the two. Thus a spherical capacitor as well as a spherical resonator is created and maintained. Electrical signals of sufficient wavelength (low frequency) are wave-guided around and around between this "sphere within a sphere" and is known as the base Schumann Resonance of 7.8Hz mainly traveling from West to East.

The sun flips its magnetic poles every 11 years. The next flip should take place in 2012.

Edited from Earth's Magnetic Field, Resonance and Us

By L. Oliver Duffy
There are exactly 2012 days between the June 20, 2007 Summer Solstice and the December 21, 2012 Winter Solstice.

Can someone who’s lazy really be a successful professional?

Marc Allen: How You Can Be Lazy Yet Successful:

"The answer is: Yes, absolutely!

There are a lot of people who have understood and mastered time and money enough so that they’re successful and lazy as well.

How did they do it?

In a great many different creative ways of course — everyone is absolutely unique and develops their own unique methods that lead them to success.

The way I did it was so simple that I can teach it to nearly everyone:
The day I turned 30, I took a sheet of paper and wrote “Ideal Scene” at the top. Then I dared to dream the kind of life I wanted ideally. It included financial success, but it also included having a life of ease. I didn’t want to work too hard.

I wanted plenty of time for other creative things, and for family, and fun. In fact — ideally — I wanted to be pretty lazy a lot of the time. That’s my natural inclination, and has been since I was a kid.

My ideal is to work when I feel like it, and not work when I feel like doing something else.

I started affirming that I was becoming successful — in fact I was creating the life of my dreams — in an easy and relaxed manner, a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all.

After I affirmed it a few thousand times over a few years, some pretty remarkable changes started happening in my life — including going from rags to riches, in my own lazy way.

Is it possible to be lazy and productive at the same time?

Most of us think that we have to be active all the time to be really productive. And where does that lead? To burnout, or illness, or something else that limits or destroys your productivity.

But if we allow ourselves to be lazy, what happens for almost every healthy being is that after a period of time, we wake up one day and find we’re filled with energy. There’s nothing we’d rather do than be highly productive.

So many people feel they have to work 40 or 50 or even 60 hours a week — but half the time, they’re not being productive anyway.

Sometimes during the day it would be far better to take a nap, because you wake up with more energy and get more done in the long run.

I live my ideal week: I don’t do mornings, ever. I have no plans before noon. I don’t do Mondays either: That’s my day to myself, with no plans at all (my favorite day of the week).

When I go into my office Tuesday afternoon, I’m energized. I really look forward to it — there’s nothing I’d rather be doing. I work Tuesday through Thursday afternoons, usually. Friday afternoon is a swing day — I might work or do something else. Saturday I’m at home. And Sunday is family day — I never work on Sunday.

That’s a fairly lazy week — I usually don’t work much over 20 or 25 hours a week. But it’s enough: I’ve built a company that has fulfilled my dreams in every way, including financially, for the past 30 years."

These words are powerful, life-changing words:

The dreamers are the saviors of the world.

- James Allen, As You Think
Thank you for visiting my weblog and joining me as I examine and explore things I am passionate about and what is beyond the realms of what I don’t yet know.

My thoughts and opinions evolve, because I like to keep an open mind as I gain new knowledge. Please note that I do not always agree with and take no responsibility for the opinions or statements found on other sites when you follow links elsewhere. Many techniques and ideas I talk about are a complementary alternative for self-healing, self-help, and behavioral modification and are not meant as a substitute for standard medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment. Please consult with any professional of your choice. Any action you may choose to take in following any information or suggestions are completely of your own choice for which you take complete responsibility. Please use your own judgment of what is right for you.

I hope you benefit from the information shared here. If this is different from what you have been taught, I am sorry. Please enjoy what is of interest to you and leave the rest.

May you get the most beneficial outcome possible for each experience in your life.